
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

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God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Traveling the world...

Okay, so I really wish I could travel the world, but I just travel around the USA for now (hopefully someone hires me for photography in Paris or Japan or something...) Well, I hoped on a train and off I went! I love to travel. Now that I am a photographer, I have the joy of taking pictures as I travel. As I was in my train, a elder woman was singing the song "she bangs, she bangs..." and I looked back to see who was singing this and she asked me "do you bang"... I felt so awkward after that. (So I took a awkward picture).

This trip was sooo long, but worth it once I saw my photographer partner... a.k.a my babe. I was with her from Thursday to Monday!

Remember, you can leave comments (just click below the blog and leave comments) you dont need to sign up or anything just click on the comments... Goodnite.

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