
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

Come back every week to check on what is new with us!

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If you have any questions or would like to contact me, call me at 408-717-2596

God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

New to this blog as a photographer

So, a photographer friend of mine suggested that I start a blog site for my website as a way to keep people updated as to what I am currently doing as a photographer. So, Check back every week to see new posting, pictures, and whatever I feel like putting up. Also, please leave me comments if you feel like it, ANYONE can leave comments (you don't have to be part of this site or anything.
I am currently working at the Picture People in Valley Fair Mall, and am still doing my own thing during the week! I never knew how hard it can sometimes be to take pictures of little kids... but it's a whole lot of fun. I'll post more later. Goodbye for now.

- Stephen

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