
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

Come back every week to check on what is new with us!

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If you have any questions or would like to contact me, call me at 408-717-2596

God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Shopping Vs. Photography

Lately I have been doing a lot of my engagement shoots in Santna Row, and I am currently looking for new places to shoot. I mean, I love the buildings in Santana Row, but sometimes it gets a little too busy, and the future bride forgets we're taking pictures, and starts shopping?!? I really miss Santa Cruz, I wish I could take all my brides and grooms to the beach to shoot. I miss it. But I guess the good ol' mall will work for now.

Leave comments or suggestions. Thanks!

Time flies...

I was looking through my computer and saw some pictures I took during a graduation, and thought to myself "gosh, time flies by so fast..." Here is a picture of Bishop Alvin and his lady. They are such great people...


Today I leave to go back home to San Jose... It was a sad moment for me and Angela, but we got over it pretty quick since we get to see each other again in 1 week. Then we travel to southern Cali!!! We are doing a photography coverage at a 75th birthday party! woot-woot!!! Oh yea... I see that lots of people read my blogs, soooo... LEAVE COMMENTS! Goodnite!

The picture above is the train that I ride. I love to travel. Just only if there is no old lady singing behind me (dont get it? Read the blog below about the singing old lady).

Saturday, June 23, 2007


My girlfriend (also associate photographer in Living Faith Photography) cooked me breakfast! Boy, was it Delicious! She made me some eggs and pancakes. She is so sweet. I love her and I'm sure all our clients love working with her as well. Here is a picture of her cleaning after she cooked! She's a Proverbs 31 woman...

She has a little more photography experiance than me and is a fast learner... Ha! I love you Angela.
Also, today we had a photo-shoot with Christi and Cleve (AMAZING couple) here is a picture of Christi...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Animals taking over?!?

Today I was able to go into a pet store that had their animals EVERYWHERE! They just had all the animal loose all around the store and free. On the plants they had a few little lizards and such, and on the floor they had a turtle and birds flying everywhere... It was pretty interesting. I took a picture of a insect on the plant next to the register while paying for some dog food.

Angela LOVES animals, and she is not afraid to pick up one of those little creatures that are laying around the store... EWWWW!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Traveling the world...

Okay, so I really wish I could travel the world, but I just travel around the USA for now (hopefully someone hires me for photography in Paris or Japan or something...) Well, I hoped on a train and off I went! I love to travel. Now that I am a photographer, I have the joy of taking pictures as I travel. As I was in my train, a elder woman was singing the song "she bangs, she bangs..." and I looked back to see who was singing this and she asked me "do you bang"... I felt so awkward after that. (So I took a awkward picture).

This trip was sooo long, but worth it once I saw my photographer partner... a.k.a my babe. I was with her from Thursday to Monday!

Remember, you can leave comments (just click below the blog and leave comments) you dont need to sign up or anything just click on the comments... Goodnite.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Together again...

So, today I had a day off from work before I travel. And my sisters best friend came over for a visit. My sister and her friend was the first people to do a photo-shoot when I got my first SLR camera. It was great seeing them two happy. Welcome back Charlotte!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So, wedding photography is an art! Its more than just taking pictures, so I am currently learning photoshop!!! This past week I just did an engagement session with Noli and Pam, and they are such great people. I love how God puts people together. They found me on a yahoo search and saw that I did wedding photos. They hired me, and I have the privilege to photograph their wedding. They are getting married on July 14.

More postings to come soon. I really like this blog thing. Leave comments, Thanks!

New to this blog as a photographer

So, a photographer friend of mine suggested that I start a blog site for my website as a way to keep people updated as to what I am currently doing as a photographer. So, Check back every week to see new posting, pictures, and whatever I feel like putting up. Also, please leave me comments if you feel like it, ANYONE can leave comments (you don't have to be part of this site or anything.
I am currently working at the Picture People in Valley Fair Mall, and am still doing my own thing during the week! I never knew how hard it can sometimes be to take pictures of little kids... but it's a whole lot of fun. I'll post more later. Goodbye for now.

- Stephen