
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

Come back every week to check on what is new with us!

Feel free to leave comments on our blogs (no need to sign up for the blogs, just leave comments without signing up!)

When leaving comments, Choose to identify yourself as Name/URL in the options below the comment box.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, call me at 408-717-2596

God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Nic and Brit

2 weeks ago I had an honor to photograph 2 great people at Bethany University. They were so fun, and have such great hearts.

Thanks so much for allowing me to work with you two!

Visit their slideshow at www.LivingFaithPhotography.com/slideshows/NicAndBrit

Here are a couple of my favorite photos.

It has been forever since the last time I posted. So, I'll be posting more in the next few days. Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Andrew and Bri

Yesterday I had a fun, yet cold time photographing Andrew and Bri in Downtown Santa Cruz. I was so cold, but such a blast!

I knew Andrew and Bri as individuals, but this is the first time I got to know them as a couple. They are so adorable, and cute, and fun, and I had a fun time doing this photo session with them!

Here are a few of my shots!

Also, visit their slideshow at (copy and paste the bottom link, and turn up your speakers, the photos go great with the music!):


God bless everyone!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Santana Row

Christmas is almost here!!!

I am soo exited, I can hardly wait for the holidays!

Today I had such an honor and a blast photographing Ryan and his fiance. They had so much energy and love, that I got soo many great shots out of them! The location was amazing because they had all the Christmas stuff out and on display. I'm not going to lie, while I was shooting I saw some great stuff on sale. After the shoot I went shopping!

Here are a few shots I took today. Congrats guys, and Merry Christmas (ALMOST)!

Check out the slideshow at http://www.livingfaithphotography.com/slideshows/RyanAndJenny/

The slideshow is a new thing I'm offering to clients! Its so fun! Check it out!

P.S... if your checking out my website, and thinking of contacting me... Just do it! Contact me by filling out the form on my website, and lets talk about your wedding! I get so many people coming to my website and not many people contact me. Contact me today - even if you just have questions. God bless!

Friday, November 30, 2007


Lately, I have been having a lot of time in my hands, and have been going through people's myspace, and editing many people's photos. So many people ask me "what is the difference between a professional photographer and a friend who has a hobby of photography? Honestly, the art of photography is more than just clicking away on a camera. The art of photography has to deal with the proper equipment, knowledge of using the equipment, digitally editing the photo (color correcting, dodge and burn, etc.) and the delivery of the photo!
Here is a sample photo I got, and edited-

I absolutely love the lomo effect, and am starting to add that effect on most of my photos.

Well, there you have it! Thats is what makes a professional photographer different than a hobby photographer. God bless everyone!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Happy thanksgiving everyone!!!

Today I went to Moorpark Ca, near L.A. and visit family. It was VERY cold today.

While my other cousins were playing football, I had my cousin strike a pose for me... Here's the shot. ha!

Well, I just wanted to post something online today to greet everyone! Have a great week people! God bless!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Esther and John Milo

Yesterday, Angela and myself had such a blast photographing Esther and John's wedding! It was so fun! The whole event was in the Historic Del Monte Building, and it was amazing!

Their coordinator was such a blast and a great person to work with, I suggest she become a professional coordinator.

Here are a few pictures we took from this evening!

The photos will be online (on the clients viewing page) by next week. OR... send me an email at sdelacruz@fc.bethany.edu and let me know you would like a copy of John and Esthers wedding photos!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mix of all!

Yesterday, I had a chance to photograph a couple who had it all!!! Both were very romantic with each other, playful and fun, and always taking risk!

It was an amazing day yesterday, and I hope to work with these guys sometime in the future with their wedding.

I was SO busy this past weekend. I met with A LOT of brides, and got to know a lot of people. This business has taken off, and I'm loving it!!!

Well, here are a few shots from yesterdays session, I love them all, but I cannot post them all.

In this shot, Stanzy was getting cold, and was just cuddling. But I snapped a photo anyways, and it came out like a very moody, and romantic scene. Which it was!

Have a great day everyone!

Monday, October 15, 2007

City boy in a country church!!!

Today I attended church in a little country church called "First United Methodist Church". It is a good church, just not something I'm use to. But more and more I attend, I feel more at home.

Here are 2 shots I took from that church. The church has an old style feel to it.

More tomorrow!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

John and Esther

Today was a great day!

Its a Saturday, so I was able to sleep in!!! A couple from my school got engaged, so makes 9 people who are engaged at Bethany University!

Also, Angela and I had a blast photographing John and Esther at the Beach. They came from San Jose, and met up with us. Here are a few shots we took. I am exited to photograph their wedding this November. Blessings John and Esther!

That all for now! God bless you all-

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

It's on the way!!!

I ordered my first album, and I am so exited!

I got an album of my engagement to Angela. I love it! I designed it myself, and I had so much fun personally designing this album. I think I'm going to start personally designing all my clients albums!

I love making albums now... haha. Click the link, and view this album I designed!!!


Saturday, September 29, 2007

A couple days ago, I had such a blast photographing a couple from my school. They were such a fun couple. They brought me to a beach I have never been before, and the beach was breath taking. Here are a few images from that session.

Please leave me comments, and let me know what you think. (to leave comments, you don't need to sign up for anything.

I hope to shoot their wedding, they were a ton of fun to work with. Congrats again you two!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Moving on up!

Yesterday I just got word that Living Faith Photography is the ONLY photography studio in the Scotts Valley area. Well, Scotts Valley is not that big, but still... Thats huge!

Also, this past weekend I proposed to Angela (my girlfriend for 2 years), and now WE are getting married.
Here is a photo of how I did it.

And I am loving the new style I am getting into. More trendy and hip, a lot of fun.

More info and photos to come, stay tuned!

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Today my family, me, and Angela traveled to L.A. today and visited my family. Tomorrow I have a photo session in the evening. On the way to L.A. we stopped by a strawberry farm, and got some fruits. It was very cheap, and we got a lot! it was such a long trip, I just had to take a picture...

We also stopped by and said hi to my grandma in Port Huneme, who had a dog and was totally coming up on my lil dog, Junior. Today has been a long trip and day... Goodnite.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


a couple of nights ago Angela and I went to the beach, and I saw the most awesome moon next to the lighthouse. Someone told me to photograph it, and I totally forgot I had my camera next to me, so I got it out and took a shot of it. Check it out...

This is one of my favorite, I plan on getting this on a canvas.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

So, this next week is a thing called Welcome Week at Bethany University. A team of student leaders (which include miss Angela Noyes, who is one of the photographers of Living Faith Photograph) does various programs and events to welcome the new students to the school. Here is a group shot I took of them, and it came out pretty good. Many people emailed me asking to put up more blogs (which is great, because I thought no one was reading my blogs...) I'll be posting more to keep the world updated on whats going on.
God bless.