
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

Come back every week to check on what is new with us!

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If you have any questions or would like to contact me, call me at 408-717-2596

God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Friday, March 7, 2008

How good is good?

People ask me all the time "who do you look up to"...

Well, as a person, I look up to TD Jakes, Paula White, and my Pastor Dick Bernal.

As a photographer, I look up to Becker, Jessica Claire, David Jay, Gary Fong, and Mike Colon.

These are people who make it BIG!!!

TD Jakes said in a sermon "If your going to do something, do it all the way! Don't sit around and half ass your way around life..."

From that moment on, I made sure that if I set my mind to it, I'm for sure going to make it happen... No matter what!!!

My goal is to make a difference in this world some how some way. Be it as a photographer, a preacher, a business man, or whatever!

Anyways, so my goal in the next 5 years is this...

Raise my photography pricing up to $6,000 per wedding
Plant a church in San Diego
Open up a day care (Angela is studying to be a teacher...)
Raise the value of my photography skills (a.k.a. GET BETTER AT TAKING PHOTOS!)

Note to prospective clients::: My pricing is not $6,000 per wedding (not until 5 years from now), so please do not be scared to call me! *lol.

I will start posting up personal related, photo related, and business related blogs! So check back often!

God bless all!

* lol means Laughing Out Loud. A way to express laughted in text.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...