
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

Come back every week to check on what is new with us!

Feel free to leave comments on our blogs (no need to sign up for the blogs, just leave comments without signing up!)

When leaving comments, Choose to identify yourself as Name/URL in the options below the comment box.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, call me at 408-717-2596

God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Matt And Julia

I had such a blast photographing Matt and Julia last week.

They had such a natural reaction to the camera. They both should go into modeling...
Their wedding is on April 20th, and I am so exited for their special day. Here are a few photos from their session.

God Bless everyone!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Alvin And Lace Engagement

Yesterday I had such an honor to photography Lace and Alvin's Engagement photos!!!

They are such a sweet couple, and have such great hearts for helping people, and they are great speakers!

Congrats Alvin and Lace! I cannot wait for your wedding, IT'S GOING TO BE AMAZING!!!

Here are a few photos from their engagement session...

See how exited I got about editing their photos? lol. I stayed up today (right after their session) just to edit their photos... IT'S THAT GOOD! =)

Have a great evening everyone!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Calling all artist!!!

Last night was so much fun!

There was a school wide open mic night and Art Exhibited! Living Faith Photography (Stephen and Angela) had has their work up to show... The photos they put up in the art exhibit were the two photos below...

It was so much fun to have seen so much hidden talents on campus. Here are photos of people who had their art up, and some who read poetry, sang, or gave some inspiring words... Here are some photos from this evening... Great job Heather and David!!!

To view the free photo library:

Click here for the free photo library
User name: Livingfaithphotography
Password: photodude (no caps)

Check back often for updated passwords!

God bless all!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


So, this is a new blog look for me... YAY! I am so exited!

Living Faith Photography is heading in a new direction, which is going to change the way we do business (in a great new way!).

Be on the look out for new business cards, new website profiles, newer and more blog postings, free give a ways, and so much more!!!

Thanks to all 35 of you who faithfully keep up to date with Living Faith Photography... I love you all!

God bless.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


So this week I am working at updating my website, and blog... To get a custom blog it would cost me $5k!

I'm really thinking of doing it... But it IS a lot of money to do so... But for now, I think this blog is doing well for me... RIGHT?


Sunday, March 9, 2008

Janet and Jaime

WOW. Yesterday was a lot of fun.

Angela and I had such a blash photographing Janet and Jaime's wedding! I loved the cultures that were represented.

The wedding was about an hour and a half away, but such a beautiful location.

Here are a few shots from their wedding!


If you would like to be informed when all their photos will be online to view and purchase, please send me and email at sdelacruz@fc.bethany.edu and I will email you once their photos are online.

God bless!

Feel free to leave comments below, and let me know what you think!

Friday, March 7, 2008

How good is good?

People ask me all the time "who do you look up to"...

Well, as a person, I look up to TD Jakes, Paula White, and my Pastor Dick Bernal.

As a photographer, I look up to Becker, Jessica Claire, David Jay, Gary Fong, and Mike Colon.

These are people who make it BIG!!!

TD Jakes said in a sermon "If your going to do something, do it all the way! Don't sit around and half ass your way around life..."

From that moment on, I made sure that if I set my mind to it, I'm for sure going to make it happen... No matter what!!!

My goal is to make a difference in this world some how some way. Be it as a photographer, a preacher, a business man, or whatever!

Anyways, so my goal in the next 5 years is this...

Raise my photography pricing up to $6,000 per wedding
Plant a church in San Diego
Open up a day care (Angela is studying to be a teacher...)
Raise the value of my photography skills (a.k.a. GET BETTER AT TAKING PHOTOS!)

Note to prospective clients::: My pricing is not $6,000 per wedding (not until 5 years from now), so please do not be scared to call me! *lol.

I will start posting up personal related, photo related, and business related blogs! So check back often!

God bless all!

* lol means Laughing Out Loud. A way to express laughted in text.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bags under the eyes...

So, I am learning how to do glamor/fashion photography... And one of the things I am learning is how to edit the skin for a more glamor look. Here is a sample photo I took last night.



See the difference? bags under the eyes are gone! Yay!!! I'm learning something new!

Keep up to date with me, and I promise to post more often on this blog.

God bless all!!!!