
Welcome to Living Faith Photography's BLOG!

We update this blog every week with new photos, updates, thoughts, ideas, and just random stuff!

Come back every week to check on what is new with us!

Feel free to leave comments on our blogs (no need to sign up for the blogs, just leave comments without signing up!)

When leaving comments, Choose to identify yourself as Name/URL in the options below the comment box.

If you have any questions or would like to contact me, call me at 408-717-2596

God bless!

What I am doing RIGHT now...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wedding season on a roll!!!

Woosh! I am sooo busy. Weddings back to back, and more weddings! This past 2 weeks we have shot 7 weddings and we're on a roll!

Here is an engagement session I did last week.

I'll post more stuff in the next few days... Good nite!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Video Blog #2

Last year's senior class we limited our senior portraits to only 15 people. This year we will take 30. First come, first serve.

New way of pricing these portrait sessions, last time I did these, I did them for free, then I would sell the prints online.

Portrait sessions are now $175 for a full session.

With this full session you get to shoot at a location of your choice, online gallery of your photos, and a disk with your photos (so you can make you own prints)!

BUT... First 5 people to sign up gets $75 off.

We are only taking 30 seniors this year, so sign up asap!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Video #1

Hi everyone,
Living Faith Photography is coming up to a new level.

New photo styles
New logo and colors
New "branding"
New marketing
New designs
New business plan
New staff

And now... A new thing... A VIDEO BLOG!
(press play, and let it load)

Check back on my blog (www. LivingFaithPhotoBlog. com) to check upcoming and new video blogs!

A video blog is made so that you can see how we work, see new products, have a more understanding of the business of Living faith Photorgaphy, and its something fun to watch!

Check it out, and let me know what you think...

{Somehow this video does not load on this blog... Click the link below to watch it!

Click here to see the video!


Keep in mind, I am not a videographer... I'm a photographer, so my videos suck! But I'm a photographer.


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Family time!!!

Last week Angela and I had fun photographing a family at the beach. They were sooo much fun. Angela had been babysitting these girls for 3 years now, and it is so nice to see these girls grow up.

Here are a few shots from their session:

I have so many things to do this week, it is going to be crazy! Have a great week everyone!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Coming soon...

Check back soon, we will have a new website, newer photos, new logo, new look, and new everything.

Living Faith Photography... Experiance something different!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Been so busy!

Hello everyone who stalks my blog! (lol)

I am sorry I haven't been able to post new things lately. I've been so busy! BUT... Don't think I am not taking pictures, because I am! lol.

Here are some photos to prove it:

Annie and Jerome's Engagement:

Ryan and Jenny's Wedding:

And Katie and Franco's Engagement:

Well, I promise to post more... Just leave me a comment on the bottom of this blog to give me some encouragement to post more! haha.
42 weddings this year!!! I'm a busy man... lol

Take care everyone!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Another Patten!

Last week I photographed Marissa Patten, and she was so fun to photograph. You might remember (if you follow my blog), when I photographed her sister, Makenzi Patten, who is also a big time model now...

Well, here are some shots from Marissas photo shoot.

And of course, the older sister, Makenzi.

Take care everyone!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lauren & Will's photos

Yesterday, I was showing Lauren her photos from the engagement session I did of her and Will. She called some people over to look at it, and when I saw her friends gathered around my laptop, I thought it was a perfect picture!

I just keep thinking of how much I've grown as a photographer this past year... I am exited to see where this digital art takes me, and how far I can go.

Take care and God bless!

Matt & Julia Wedding

Okay, I finally had the chance to edit through a couple photos from Matt and Julia's wedding. As I looked through the photos, I was very exited and all the fun from the day came right back to me. Here are some shots from their wedding!

And again, here is the team from the day. Tim (our assistant), myself (photographer), and Angela (2nd photographer).

Take care everyone!!!

Banquet Photos

Hello all,

Photos from banquet are now up to view to get for free!!!

Click the link below:
the password is : bethany08 (no caps)

Remember, these photos are not meant for prints, if you would like a print, please go to the other site and order prints.

Leave the bottom watermark on all photos (livingfaithphotography.com), Living Faith Photography is a photography business and our products are photos. Taking the bottom watermark off is stealing our product and it is against federal law.
Thanks so much!

Monday, April 21, 2008


This weekend we had sooo much fun photographing Matt and Julia's wedding at a BEAUTIFUL winery in San Martin. I am so tired so I haven't had the chance to edit through some photos. Here is a great shot my assistant, Tim Furgison, took of me before the ceremony overlooking the beautiful mountains, and vines.

Here is a photo of our assistant, Tim.

And a photo of the whole team from yesterdays wedding. Tim, Myself, and Angela during the reception.

Check back tomorrow for some photos from their wedding!

Also, those from Bethany University waiting to see banquet photos, give me 3 more days to get those online! THANKS!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


So, I try to update my blog every week or so, but I update my twitter every day!!!

A Twitter is something that you can follow me on. Look above this blog post titled "What I am doing..." and on the bottomw it has the latest news from me. I just text message something and it goes right onto my twitter!

Follow me on twitter!!! www.twitter.com/StephenDC

I need to get ready for tomorrows wedding... Check back soon for Matt and Julia's wedding!

God bless everyone!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Lauren & Will

I had a great time photographing Will and Lauren's Engagement session yesterday. Both of them are very musical, and have such fun personalities. Here are some shots from their session:

Congratulations Will and Lauren!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Campus Days!

The school I currently attend has a campus day for new students to check out our campus. This was a lot of fun to be at, they had some Hawaiian dancers, Hawaiian food, and some lays! It was a blast. The afterwords, DJ Moses took the stage and DJed a party in the spot! It was a blast. Of course... I was there to take photos. Here are some shots I took.

This is my fav of the day... A shot of the beautiful campus...

Take care!